Monday, July 13, 2009

beginning week 3 pt

ok. were starting week three.
physical therapy was wonderful. i did 7min on the bike only this time i had some tension. i found out that boy i'm out of shape. lol. the hip felt great but i was working up a sweat. then on to the teeter board and the doing the step with my right leg first. up to 30 reps on everything. then the incline board for some squats and the the mat work with my leg raises. the kids came with and talked the whole time of course. they asked if they could have weights on i told them they were just beginniners so no weight for them, but it was fun to make them count with me. i'm down to two ibuprofen and around 1 pain pill a day. 1/2 twice a day. but it is beautiful. they really kicked it up a notch but i was up to the task. maybe next week i'll be able to do a leg raise with the weight, its the only time i had to say i just cant do it. so that is my next challenge. he did say my leg raise without the weight looked alot better. it felt better too. i got a pat on the back that was nice, i was told i'm weeks ahead, that is great made me feel really good its always nice to know your work is noticed. i might be ahead but you know the important thing is to keep on track, so my goal is to take it easy and keep up with my workouts. keep yall updated.

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