Thursday, May 21, 2009

want to be a surgeon

i found this site to help the kids, but the whole family has played the games. try it out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! You found me through bonesmart and said that we were hip twins! I read through your blog weeks ago and tried to comment, but wasn't able to from the computer I was on. Anyway, sorry to be slow to get back to you. I enjoyed reading through your blog, and yes, we could be "Hipster Twins." I will get my THR next month.
    I am so sorry you have to deal with this hip stuff! It is so hard to dread walking, to deal with chronic pain, and to require a THR. I think it's especially hard to feel adequate as a mother to little ones. You give me strength knowing that you too are a mom. I was so sorry to read about everything your Mom went through. I'm sorry to read that she passed away, but like you, am grateful that she is free from the physical pains that she felt.
    I wish you the very best with your hip. I will be thinking about you often. Stay in touch and Best Wishes!
    Jill Lewis
