Thursday, May 14, 2009

walking at work

well, i was at work yesterday and after working at the clinic from 530am till 8am
i went to the hospital to take care of 2 patients. at the end of the day 645pm. walking around beds in tight quarters, i left our med box in the room and the paperwork and then told my boss today what time i left. right now the walk down to the 1st floor all the way to the supervisors office then to mailing for the billing and then to the car then back into the clinic up the steps to clock out is just impossible at the end of the day. well most other days i do it or i decide which really has to be done. and usually end up telling my boss the time. i wasnt tired and i'm not lazy i just sat there dreading that walk. its an aweful feeling the one i hate the most. knowing exactly what i need to do and knowing how much i'm going to hurt doing it. i know for most people these arent big things, but right now they are miserable. i dont remember anymore when they werent,
i dont remember when walking down to the caffeteria wasnt a dreaded experience
i dont remember when getting up from the couch or a chair took 5 minutes.
i do remember when i would take off at 5pm and decide to do a project in the house and stay up all night doing it. i remember when i would plan day trips with the kids to the zoo, i knew it would be hard but i could still do it. i remember when the kids were gone how i would get dressed and go to the book store and look around for hours. now i pass because i cant stand in the isles long enough to look at all the titles. i remember going dancing all night every weekend and even some during the week and now i dont even bother. i want all that back. i look at the dishes in the sink and know i cant stand long enough to wash all of them. i love to cook always have and now i dont even do that much. it includes walking thru the store and then standing at the counter or stove. even if i sit while i cook i have to keep getting up. i look at this and think man i've gotten so lazy, but i havent i still want to do all these things and whith my new hardware i will. i want to go to the lake with the kids and not have to sit halfway , i never even got near the water. my friend went and played with them. i didnt go all the way because i knew i couldnt make it back. i think alot since i started this and sometimes i hate that i cant remember what it was like to be without pain. i look forward to rehab i cant wait to exercise.
i've never been able to really stretch because i've always let pain be an indicator of what was to far for my hips. i'll have a bigger range of motion now then i ever have and i look forward to trying it out. i'll be able to do leg raises now i'll know if i cant that its muscular and i just need to work harder. i'd like to think since i've always worked on my feet that my muscles will still respond when i tell them to. i read stories of people that knew normal who have this and they say its great after i want to be able to do that.

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