Tuesday, July 21, 2009

what the day brings

today i found out i got a huge compliment. a friend that actually can find a little inspiration from my blog. that is fantastic. That is what this is all about. i started it to record my feelings and i spent alot of time looking up info so i put it in here too. there are so many of us young hipsters, but the only role model most people including myself get to see is the 90 year old who breaks a hip and never fully recovers. its hard not to feel very alone in the process. when the only hope and inspiration is feeling bad that "this had to happen to them" its really hard to get motivated..

then you go online and find bonesmart.org. with fantastic, informed moderators. you see others with the same thing you have and some alot younger then you doing the same thing you are, all you can think is "Thank you God". at that point you reevaluate your goals and you go from i just want to be able to get thru a day. to anything is possible and this is just a brief moment in time. It is truly an amazing feeling and i am so greatful for my friends that are going thru the same stuff as me and those that went thru it and stick close to help the rest of us out.

all i can say is thank you. each and every one of you. and to my friend. just know i get alot of inspiration from you too.

1 comment:

  1. Monique, seriously you give me strength and hope. Thank you for being the inspiration that makes me think, "Anything is possible!" You hit it right on the nail. Needing a hip replacement at 80, is different than needing one at 30. There's nothing like empathy from someone who truly understands. Thanks so much.
