Sunday, June 21, 2009

ok it might be tomorrow

Anyone that reads my title might not understand. i got all the way to the waiting area for the OR two weeks ago and hit a stop sign. UTI. for anyone that dosent know what that is. its a great big joy kill. lol. believe me i wasnt laughing at the time.
i was calmer that day then i've been for months. finally the day was here i was about to begin a long recovery .
#1 recovery. that is where you start out in pain and you get better every day.
#2 no surgery. that is where you hurt every day and it only gets worse.
very short pro and con list.
ok. so if anyone can tell me this i'd love to hear it. i hear alot of people say they are scared. i've not been scared i've been excited frusterated with waiting and afraid it wouldnt happen but not scared of the surgery. it would figure that i'd still be here waiting.

the song somewhere over the rainbow is playing happily in my head right now. if i can get to the rainbow it will be an uphill battle to get to the top but once i've reached it i can get to the pot of gold on the other side.

so i'm praying that tomorrow is the day
and i hope i wont be checking in till next week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you're kidding! I hope tomorrow is your big day. I'm not scared either. I just want to get the these next few months over with-the sooner they pass, the better. I'm sure you're feeling the same way. Sorry you had to wait!
